March 2000

Staff Advisory Council Minutes

Thursday, March 9, 2000

LaFortune Student Center - Notre Dame Room
1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Present: Angeliek Anderson, Debra Bennett, Dan Brazo, Emily Cassidy, Deb Fox, Norma Frost, Connie Gard, Rita Grontkowski, Kay Herrity, Carl Hubbard, Pam Jobin, Bobbi McMahon, Norma Mezykowski, Sue Penrod, Terron Phillips, Maria Pozzi, Marv Pruett, Samantha Qualls, Phyllis Shelton-Ball, Marcy Simons, Fred Sonneborn, Leona Strickland, Dona Waters, and Melodie Wise. 
Absent: Victoria Cotton, Beverly Harbor, Doris Smuda, and Cindi Sykes.
District 18 and 25 are currently in the process of an election.
HR Liaisons: Pam Zarazee and Sarah Misener.
Dan Brazo, Chair called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m. 
I. Photograph of the 2000-2001 Staff Advisory Council
The Council had their photo taken by Linda Dunn, Photography and TV Productions.
Dan Brazo, Chair asked the Council members to go around the table and introduce themselves and what district they represent. Dan thanked the Council members for their participation on the Council. He encouraged the Council members to participate and share their district's concerns and/or ideas in all meetings.
II. Approval of the Thursday, February 24, 2000 Minutes 
The minutes were distributed to the Council members who do not have access to email. The Council took some time to read over the minutes, so that the minutes would make the deadline for print in the April StaffNews. 
Pam Jobin made a motion to accept the minutes with the suggested changes made by the Council. Norma Frost seconded the motion. A vote was taken and 23 Council members were in favor of the motion and one Council member abstained.
III. Committee Reports 
-Elections Committee
Deb Fox shared with the Council that there were no self-nominations received for District #25. A second letter will be going out requesting self-nominations for this District. If there are not self-nominations, District #25 will go unrepresented until the next election.
Deb added that the election results from District #18 will be counted after the meeting. In addition, elections will be taking place for District #17 to replace Victoria Cotton who has requested to have someone take her place on the Council. 
Dan Brazo shared with the Council that an election will also have to take place for District #8 to replace Emily Cassidy, who has accepted a position within another organization. Dan thanked Emily for all of her hard work and participation in the Council. Emily shared a few words with the Council and stated that April will be her last meeting. 
- Communications Committee 
Emily Cassidy sent out a draft of a letter that the Communications Committee would like to see added to the new hire orientation packets. 
Emily encouraged input on the letter from the Council, and asked that suggestions be sent to her via email or telephone her at 631-6087. Dan stated that this letter will be discussed and voted on at the next meeting. 
Sarah Misener stated that Human Resources would absorb the cost of copying the letter to include in the new hire packets.
- Parking Committee 
Deb Bennett stated that there was currently nothing to report. 
- Parking Appeals Committee 
Dan Brazo stated that the committee met and reviewed approximately 40-50 parking tickets. Any suggestions that the Council would have on this committee should be directed to Dan.
- Ad-Hoc Committee on Women's Issues 
Melodie Wise shared with the Council that March is recognized as Women's history month. In honor of that there will be a movie shown this evening at 5:30 p.m. in Grace Hall called "The Life and Times of Rosie the Riveter" and on March 14th at 12:15 p.m. in the Montgomery Theater of LaFortune Student Center "The Life of Sojourner Truth" will be shown. Melodie added that in April the Ad-Hoc Committee on Women's Issues is planning a lunch & learn on "Springize Your Car." Bobbi McMahon has volunteered to serve on the Ad-Hoc Committee on Women's Issues as a Council representative. Melodie shared that the current executive committee for the Ad-Hoc Committee on Women's Issues is Marcy Simons, Chair; Giovanna Edwards, Vice-Chair; and Carla Ross, Secretary. 
Dan Brazo took a few minutes to explain the association of the women's committee with the Council. Overall, the Ad-Hoc Women's Committee is an ad-hoc committee of the Council. Dan feels that any ad-hoc committee should reference that it is part of the Staff Advisory Council. Melodie suggested referencing the committee as the Ad-Hoc Women's Committee, of the Staff Advisory Council. The Council agreed. 
- Ad-Hoc Staff Picnic Committee 
Deb Bennett stated the committee met and came up with a list of items they would like to consider doing for this years staff picnic. The Council discussed a number of ideas for the picnic. Dan Brazo shared with the new Council members that there is a booth at the staff picnic and that Council members staff it to encourage other staff to learn more about the Council.
The staff picnic allows the Council to gain exposure in a more relaxed setting. One Council member suggested having a new location for the booth at this years staff picnic. It was also suggested that a photographer take a picture of the booth for the StaffNews. Dan stated that the Council will be asked to volunteer to staff the booth at the Picnic. Another suggestion included having better signs at the picnic publicizing the Council booth.
A Council member brought up the concern of Food Service staff being able to attend the picnic. Dan explained that this issue has been discussed before, but would work with Sarah Misener to discuss further.
- Ad-Hoc Committee on Drug Testing
Rita Grontkowski, Terron Phillips, Leona Strickland, and Deb Bennett are the four members from the Council serving on this ad-hoc committee. They have met and are waiting to be contacted by the University Administration. The Council members felt it is important to have the university make policies regarding the use(misuse) of legal drugs and policies for illegal drugs. The Council members also discussed the Michiana Employee Assistance Program. Sarah Misener explained to the Council that if an employee voluntarily uses the employee assistance program this is kept confidential between the employee assistance program and the employee. Human Resources receives general utilization statistics from the Michiana Employee Assistance Program but no specifics, such as names. If an employee receives a mandatory referral to the Michiana Employee Assistance Program, the University receives a letter indicating whether the employee is participating in the program recommended or not. If you have any ideas or suggestions regarding the current drug testing policy, please contact the Council members participating on this committee. 
- Ad-Hoc Redistricting Committee 
This ad-hoc committee has not yet met. 
Dan Brazo discussed the position of Secretary on the Council, since Emily will be leaving. Phyllis Shelton-Ball was nominated by Deb Bennett. 
Phyllis Shelton-Ball accepted the position of Secretary on the Council. 
Status of the Annual Report 
Sarah Misener reported to the Council that the Staff Advisory Council logo will be added to the report. Sarah stated that it will be copied in Human Resources over the next few weeks.
Sarah Misener asked the Council for their input regarding the job posting process. She stated that currently the position pay range is posted on each posting. Sarah explained that by posting the pay range, candidates may have unrealistic expectations of pay for the posted position. The Human Resource Planning Group requested that the postings contain a hiring pay range. Departments will give Human Resources the amount they are realistically looking to hire the new person at taking into account budget constraints. Brief discussion among the Council members indicated a favorable disposition towards the inclusion of a hiring pay range. The Employment Office will communicate the change when it takes place.
Dan Brazo informed the Council that he received a letter from Rex Rakow, Director of Security seeking input from the Council. Dan stated that Security has requested the Chair of the Council, to be a part of a meeting to provide input. Dan asked the Council for their thoughts regarding security issues across campus so he can take this information back to this meeting. Dan requested the Council to share any input with him in the next two weeks. Dan shared with the Council that he is encouraged by departments seeking input from the Council. Dona Waters who represents Security on the Council shared background information on this Security Department initiative.
IV. Discuss Priority List for Council 
The Council reviewed the "Priority List" and felt that the first topic to be addressed should be the retirement issues. The items discussed by the Council included having the University pay for supplemental insurance upon retirement, increasing the pension formula, and looking at survey data regarding the University's retirement benefits compared to other organizations. Sarah Misener suggested having Rita Winsor and Vivek Kumar attend the next meeting to give a presentation on the plans. The Council agreed and asked Sarah to arrange for Rita and Vivek to attend the April Council meeting.
Sarah Misener mentioned to the Council that the Staff Employee Handbook is currently being updated. 
The Council also requested Sarah to arrange for Rita Winsor to give the Council an update on the matrix for this coming year and compensation statistics.
V. Set the agenda for Thursday, April 13, 2000 
I. Approve the Council Minutes from the March 9, 2000 Meeting
II Committee Reports
III. Classification Review Project Update
IV. Retirement Presentation
V. Update on Confidentiality Agreements
VI. Set agenda for the May 11, 2000 meeting
Deb Bennett made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 2:53 p.m. Norma Frost seconded this motion. A vote was taken and all present Council members were in favor of the motion.