February 2001


Thursday, February 22, 2001 

Notre Dame Room, LaFortune Student Center 
Present: Debra Bennett, Dona Coggins, Connie Gard, Kay Herrity, Rita Grontkowski, Nancy Mitchell, Lou Parks, Terron Phillips, Maria Pozzi, Marv Pruett, Samantha Qualls, Kathleen Stopczynski, Leona Strickland, Cyndi Sykes, and Melodie Wise. 
Absent: Deb Fox, Norma Frost, Steve Gibson, Beverly Harbor, Pam Jobin, Wanda Lansford, Bobbi McMahon, Norma Mezykowski, Sue Penrod, Valerie Schroeder, Marcy Simons, Doris Smuda, and Fred Sonneborn. 
HR Liaisons: Sarah Misener and Pam Zarazee. 
Melodie Wise, Chair called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m. 
I. Approval of the Thursday, January 11, 2001 minutes. 
Marv Pruett made a motion to accept the Thursday, January 11, 2001 minutes. Cyndi Sykes seconded this motion. A vote was taken and all present Council members were in favor of this motion. 
II Committee Reports 
- Election Committee 
Melodie Wise explained to the Council that due to a death of an Election Committee member's immediate family member the election process has been delayed and the new members will be seated in March. 
- Executive Committee 
Nothing to report at this time. 
- Promotions Committee 
Nothing to report at this time. 
- Parking Committee 
Debra Bennett stated that a meeting was held and the discussions centered on various parking issues across campus. A specific topic discussed included the new Coleman-Morse parking situation. 
A council member raised an issue about the shuttle services provided by the University and specifically for Building Services employees who punch in at the Mason Service Center and work directly on campus. Debra Bennett recommended that the Council member or the appropriate person with the issue prepare a letter and send it to Phil Johnson, Assistant Director, Security and Police and Chris Carlin, Director of Administrative Services. 
- Parking Appeals Committee 
Samantha Qualls stated that this committee continues to meet on a regular basis to handle regular business and at the present time there is nothing to report to the Council. 
- Ad-Hoc Committee on Women's Issues 
Melodie Wise shared with the Council that Marcy Simons, Vice-Chair has been promoted to an exempt position within University Libraries. Marcy also represented district #11 on SAC and her district is currently in the process of an election. Melodie Wise stated to the Council that the Women's Fair will be held on Wednesday, March 14th in the LaFortune Student Center from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Melodie also reminded the Council that nominations for the contest to honor a "Woman of Courage" has a deadline of Wednesday, March 14th. The nomination must be a nonexempt female that the exempt or nonexempt employee feels should be honored as a true "Woman of Courage." 
- Ad-Hoc Committee on Drug Testing 
Debra Bennett reported that there was not a meeting held over the last month. Kathleen Stopczynski made a motion to recommend that the current ad-hoc committee members on this committee should remain on the committee if they are not reelected to the Council. This motion was seconded by Dona Coggins. A vote was taken and all present Council members were in favor of this motion. 
- Ad-Hoc Redistricting Committee 
Nothing to report at this time. 
- Web Page Update 
Melodie Wise informed the Council that she is working on getting the Council photo on the website. 
- StaffNews Article 
Melodie Wise stated to the Council that at the March meeting a member will be needed to volunteer to serve in this capacity for the upcoming year. Melodie stated that next month elections will be held to fill the vacancies on the above committees. 
III. Miscellaneous 
Melodie Wise opened the floor for discussion on what the Council would like to do going forward in the event of a death in a Council member's immediate family. Sarah Misener explained to the Council that Human Resources is the point of contact for sending the appropriate recognition from the University in the event of a death of an employee's immediate family member. The Council discussed various kinds of events that should be recognized or acknowledged. Deb Bennett made a motion that in the event of a death of a loved one close to a Council member the Council will send a card. Rita Grontkowski seconded this motion. A vote was taken and all present Council members were in favor of this motion. The Council asked that the Department of 
Human Resources notify the Executive Committee if the circumstance arises. The Council is planning on holding an open meeting in April. The Council members will go back to their districts and ask who would like to attend the meeting as an observer. The Council asked if Human Resources would be willing to send a letter to the supervisors of the nonexempt employees interested in attending the April Council meeting as an observer to notify them that the interested employee would be attending. Sarah Misener stated that if each Council member would inform the Department of Human Resources on the attendee, it could be done. Melodie Wise confirmed that the Staff Advisory Council will let Human Resources know what member of their district will be attending the April meeting as an observer. A Council member had heard that Ivy Tech State College was becoming a 4-year institution and wanted to know if Ivy Tech State College is covered under the tuition benefit for children. In addition, a Council member wanted to know the change in the St. Mary's College Tuition benefit. Sarah Misener stated that she will bring this information to the March meeting to review with the Council. Another Council member voiced concern over the issue of not being included in special Athletic activities that faculty and their families are invited to attend. A specific example was a recent reception following a women's basketball game where faculty and their families were invited. Sarah Misener commented that the Athletic Department works to enhance the relationship of athletics to academics and that could have been one of the reasons for this particular event. Sarah shared with the Council that at some future date she could arrange for a member of the Athletic Department come to a Council meeting and speak on Athletics' behalf regarding outreach initiatives to the entire Notre Dame community. Sarah Misener shared a sample of a page from the updated Staff Employee Guidebook. She stated that the Guidebook will be spiral bound, include full-color photos, tabs, and have a very professional appearance. She stated that the new Guidebooks will be distributed at various sites across campus in early March. Information will be forthcoming regarding site locations for pick-up, dates, and times. Information sessions will also be scheduled for employees who are interested in learning more about the contents of the Staff Employee Guidebook. Sarah Misener gave an update to the Council on the employee forum meetings. Meetings have been held twice per month and attendance is showing improvement. Sarah stated that the sessions have really provided good dialogue and discussion with the groups of employees. Sarah asked the Council for their help in encouraging members of their districts to attend the open forums if they are invited to participate. Sarah added that some topics discussed have included parking, benefits, and health care costs. Sarah updated the Council on the focus group that they were invited to participate in regarding total rewards and recognition at the University. Sarah stated that this process is not finalized. Watson-Wyatt is currently compiling information on total rewards and recognition for the University. Sarah stated that information will be communicated to the Council when the study is complete. 
IV. Communication with Districts 
Melodie Wise shared with the Council that this discussion was held at a previous meeting. Melodie asked the Council to share their ideas on better ways to communicate with district members. A discussion was held on this topic. Some ideas discussed included having a suggestion box in each district and posting minutes in a convenient location. A Council member suggested that each Council member ask their districts if a suggestion box would be useful in their areas. Sarah Misener informed the Council that there is a meeting scheduled to discuss the SAC's retirement proposal and questions in the next week. Sarah will report back to the Council when information becomes available. Melodie Wise told the Council that she is working to complete the Annual Report and hopes to have a draft for the Council at the next meeting. 
V. Agenda for Thursday, March 8, 2001 Council Meeting 
I. Approve the minutes from February 22, 2001 meeting 
II. Committee Reports 
- Elections Committee 
- Executive Committee 
- Promotion Committee 
- Parking Committee 
- Parking Appeals Committee 
- Ad-Hoc Committee on Women's Issues 
- Ad-Hoc Committee on Drug Testing 
- Ad-Hoc Redistricting Committee 
- Web Page Update 
- StaffNews Article 
III. Further discussion on the April open meeting 
IV. Miscellaneous discussion 
V. Set the agenda for the April 12, 2001 meeting 
Melodie Wise thanked all the Council members for their participation in the Council. She wanted to specifically extend appreciation to those Council members who will not be returning due to the elections. 
Debra Bennett made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 2:50 p.m. Samantha Qualls seconded this motion. A vote was taken and all present Council members were in favor of this motion. 
Promotion Committee