December 2003

Staff Advisory Council

Thursday, December 18, 2003

Notre Dame Room, LaFortune
1:00 – 3:00 p.m. 
Present: Maryellen Fetherolf, Angela Miller McGraw, Martha Sue Abbott, Don Anglin, Debby Herczeg, Lisa Yates, Sharon Konopka, Stephanie Maenhout, Terry Oxender, Jimi Sholty, Joy Schosker, Paula Horne, Marv Pruett, Melodie Wise.
Absent (Excused): Susan McGonigal, Roberta McMahon, Jane Nielson, JoAnn Norris, Barbara Robinson, Irene Stines, and Terrell Ward-Thomas. 
Absent (Not Excused): Julann Bauer, Becky DeBreuyn, Amy Dorn, Jim Gloster, Fred Sonneborn, and Holly Webb.
HR Liaisons: Cindy Ewing, Barbara Villarosa, and John Whelan.
I. Call to Order
Melodie Wise, Chair, called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m.
II. Approval of the November 20, 2003 Council Minutes
A correction to the minutes was recommended as follows: in item II., change “principle” to “principal.” A motion to approve the minutes with the recommended change was made by Jimi Sholty, seconded by Debby Herczeg, and unanimously approved by the Council. 
III. Committee Reports
Promotions Committee: 
Melodie reported on the activities of the Promotions Committee in the absence of the chair. She routed to the Council members present a draft postcard for their review and comment. The purpose of the postcard is to create awareness across campus of the Staff Advisory Council. The postcard will be distributed in January 2004. 
Melodie stated that the Promotions Committee will review and revise the promotional letter and accompanying district information to new hires. Melodie asked Cindy Ewing to determine if the current letter has been included in recent “new hire packets” and, if not, to coordinate the inclusion of the newly revised information.
Parking Appeals Committee:
Stephanie Maenhout reported on the activities of the Parking Appeals Committee. She stated that the University-wide Parking Committee of which she is a member meets once or twice a year for the purpose of reviewing campus-wide parking issues. This committee is represented by faculty, administrators, staff, and students. The lack of parking due to upcoming construction projects was discussed by the committee. The Council suggested public transportation vouchers and car pooling to assist with the parking dilemma. Stephanie stated that she would present these suggestions at the next Parking Committee meeting for consideration. She then reported that the Parking Committee discussed alternatives to the current gate entry system that is used across campus. The company that installed the system will no longer be able to provide ongoing support. Several options were discussed with no final decision. The Council suggested inviting Doug Marsh, University Architect, back to meet with the group regarding the current University Master Plan. 
A conversation ensued regarding parking privileges and parking violations. Stephanie stated that all requests for reserved parking spots are reviewed and approved by the Parking Committee and that all parking violations should be reported to Security for proper handling. Stephanie indicated that she would look into the concerns expressed about the Hesburgh lot. 
Ad hoc Committee on Women’s Issues: 
Paula Horne reported on the activities of the Ad hoc Committee on Women’s Issues. She stated that reservations for the Snite Museum Tour in January ended today. A tour of the ND Bakery will be coordinated for February, and Hospice will present in spring. She reported that generic name tags were made for all committee members to wear at committee-sponsored events, and announced new member Maureen Lincoln. In response to a question from Melodie, Paula stated that she would look into the timing of the upcoming committee elections.
Melodie reported that elections will be held for representatives in the following even-numbered Districts in January 2004: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 17 (to replace absent seat), 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, and 30. Elections for new officers will follow. 
Web Page Article: 
A report was not given due to the absence of the chair.
Archive of Minutes: 
Melodie stated that volunteers are needed to organize boxes and notebooks of material containing SAC minutes and other documentation for Archives. Stephanie Maenhout and Maryellen Fetherolf volunteered to complete this project the week of January 5, 2004. Cindy Ewing will arrange for the boxes and notebooks to be delivered to Stephanie’s office. 
IV. Open Discussion
Melodie asked for feedback regarding the first issue of NDWorks. The general consensus was fairly positive. Several members stated that they miss the Trading Post section, anniversaries, and timely information such as holiday and payroll schedules. The Council agreed to invite Gail Hinchion Mancini back to meet with the group after a few more issues have been published. The Council will seek additional feedback from their constituents in advance of this meeting. In response to a question, John stated that retirees do not currently receive this publication, but it is currently under consideration.
In response to questions, John Whelan explained that Sarah Misener is assisting the Office of Human Resources with an in-depth study of its Employment Services area. After the study, Sarah will continue working on other HR initiatives. John also reported that the position of Associate Vice President for Human Resources will not be filled until the Executive Vice President has been appointed. 
Melodie announced that this is Cindy’s last meeting. On behalf of the Council, she expressed her appreciation to Cindy for her support and guidance over the last several months. John Whelan will now assume the role as HR liaison.
John expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to work closely with SAC and addressed some concerns that were expressed earlier regarding HR representation and the general lack of support from administration over the past year. John emphasized his desire to create a positive working relationship between HR and SAC and his commitment to communicate the needs of staff to senior level administrators. He then suggested that before each Council meeting, Council members present could share something positive that they encountered either with their peers, within their own department, or somewhere else across campus. This exercise would provide an opportunity to recognize others and to begin each meeting with a positive mindset. The Council agreed to begin each meeting with this exercise.
It was also suggested by Stephanie Maenhout and concurred unanimously by the Council that each member should write down one thing that they would like to do for their District in 2004 and share it with the Council at its next meeting. 
A discussion ensued regarding the preservation of property left by students at the end of the academic year. John reported that this issue is currently under review and effort is being made to eliminate waste and provide useable items to others in need within our community. In response to a question, John stated that he would find out what is done with the wood that is left by students.
V. Set Agenda for January 8, 2004 Council Meeting
I. Approval of the December 18, 2003 Council Minutes
II. Committee Reports
- Promotions Committee
- Parking Appeals Committee
- Parking Committee
- Ad hoc Committee on Women’s Issues
- Web Page Article
- Archive of Minutes
III. Elections
IV. NDWorks Feedback from Constituents
V. Establish Goals for 2004
VI. Open Discussion
VII. Set Agenda for February 19, 2004 Council Meeting
VI. Adjournment
Melodie distributed copies of the 2004 SAC Meeting Schedule and asked for a motion to adjourn. Motion was made by Jimi Sholty, seconded by Don Anglin, and unanimously approved by the Council. With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 2:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara A. Villarosa