June 2004

Staff Advisory Council

Thursday, June 10, 2004

1:00 – 3:00 p.m., Notre Dame Room, LaFortune 
Present: Don Anglin, Dawn Bell, Lisa Buckland, Karen Casey, Becky deBruyn, Maryellen Fetherolf, Jim Gloster, Sharon Harwell, Annette Klimek, Barbara Klowetter, Sharon Konopka, Stephanie Maenhout, Susan McGonigal, Irene Stines, Kathy Stopczynski, Troy Webb, Tony Williams, and Lisa Yates 
Absent (Excused): Bettye Bielejewski, Jennifer Ihns, Roberta McMahon, Angela Miller McGraw, Jane Nielson, Joy Schosker, and Holly Webb
Absent (Not Excused): Julann Bauer
HR Liaisons: Cindy Ewing and Barbara Villarosa
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 1:05 p.m. by chairperson, Stephanie Maenhout.
Stephanie indicated that John Whelan was unable to attend and that Cindy Ewing will represent Human Resources. Additionally, John Affleck-Graves expressed his apologies for not being able to meet with SAC members today but will schedule a time in the near future.
Stephanie requested that the next SAC meeting be moved from Thursday, July 8, to Thursday, July 15, due to the July 4th holiday that week. The Council unanimously agreed to move the meeting to the 15th. 
Stephanie also stated that arrangements have been made for a group picture, which will be taken at the meeting today.
II. Approval of the May 20, 2004 Council Minutes
A motion was made by Irene Stines and seconded by Sharon Konopka to approve the minutes from the May 20, 2004 Staff Advisory Council meeting as presented. The minutes were unanimously approved.
III. Committee Reports
Elections: Stephanie introduced Tony Williams, newly appointed District 22 Representative. She stated that an election will be conducted soon to replace Terrell Ward and Terry Oxender. She also recommended that the Council review the district lists at the next meeting for accuracy.
Promotions: Susan McGonigal reported that the committee has not met recently. Stephanie distributed a proposed SAC logo designed by Barbara Villarosa that will be presented to the Promotions Committee for further review and consideration. 
Budget Discussion: Stephanie indicated that no additional information is known regarding the SAC budget, but she will follow-up with John Whelan for a report at the next meeting. 
Parking Appeals: No activity to report. 
Parking Committee: Stephanie Maenhout briefly highlighted the results of the recent survey regarding the replacement of the Kontrol Kard gate system with a sensory system. In response to a question regarding the proposed registration fee that was tabled last year, Stephanie stated that she would follow-up with Doug Marsh to determine if registration has been tabled indefinitely or if an update should be provided to SAC. Additionally, Stephanie stated that the online registration process has been introduced and an e-mail with detailed instructions will be distributed shortly. The process will continue to be handled manually for those employees without computer access. 
Women’s Issues: Susan McGonigal stated that the “Learn the Salsa” lunch-n-learn was well attended. There were about 30 participants. Other upcoming events include a tour of the Joyce Center at the end of July, a tour of the Power Plant and Fire Department, and Football 101. Susan stated that the Committee recently held elections and will share the names of the new officers at the next SAC meeting.
Benefits Committee: Susan McGonigal reported that the Benefits Committee will meet next on June 24 and the committee will tour Memorial Hospital on June 18. She reiterated the interest of the Benefits Team to present the Benefits Trends information at an upcoming SAC meeting. 
Web Page: Stephanie reported that Sharon Harwell has agreed to keep the SAC web page updated and requested that time be spent during the meeting to review, as a group, the current website and its layout, design, and format. As a result of the review, the Council unanimously agreed to the following changes: 
Include a link to Human Resources in the menu bar 
Retain “Contact SAC” on the first page and eliminate the link to HR 
Add to every statement about contacting SAC: “…your identity will be kept confidential…” 
Add to every mention about e-mailing SAC: “…e-mail one of the officers…” 
Delete the word “Mission” and text on the first page and include the paragraph from the SAC brochure 
Delete News & Current Events from menu bar 
Move 2004 SAC members and the district lists to the top 
Add “Member Responsibilities” and “Facts” from the SAC brochure to the menu bar 
Update “Committees” 
Update “Districts” and link to list of buildings to include representative phone numbers and e-mail addresses 
Add personal e-mail links to list of current Officers 
Archive list of past Officers 
Retain “Future Agenda” and “Minutes” on the menu bar 
Retain and update “Meeting Schedule” 
Add “Accomplishments” page 
Create a Mission Statement (tabled for further thought and consideration) 
Change the (leaves) background 
Add a counter to determine how many hits are made to the site 
Once updated, send a listserv e-mail message with a live link so it can be bookmarked 
IV. Open Discussion
A discussion was held regarding the policy related to motorcycles on campus. Cindy Ewing indicated that she would look into the issue surrounding the policy.
Stephanie indicated that if time permits at the July meeting, the “Fish” videotape will be viewed. Also, there may be a presentation by John Affleck-Graves as well as the Work Life presentation by Jessica Brookshire. Time will also be devoted to reviewing the district lists for accuracy. 
VI. Set Agenda for July 15, 2004 Council Meeting
The following items were identified as potential topics or presentations for the July meeting
John Affleck-Graves Presentation 
LifeWorks and Work Life Demonstration 
“Fish” Video 
SAC Budget 
District List Review 
VII. Adjournment
Without further business by the Council, motion was made by Don Anglin and seconded by Sharon Harwell to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 2:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Villarosa