July 2005

Staff Advisory Council


Thursday, July 14th, 2005
1:00-3:00 p.m., Notre Dame Room, LaFortune
 Present:   Bettye Bielejewski, Lisa Buckland, Karen Casey, Sherrie Daniel, Becky deBruyn, Maryellen Fetherolf, Michael Huffer, Jennifer Ihns, Barbara Klowetter, Sharon Konopka, Bobbi McMahon, Shannen Mears, Christy Miller, Jane Nielson, Diana Singleton, Kathy Stopczynski, Tony Williams
Excused:  Joan Costa, Susan McGonigal, Penny McIntire
Unexcused:  Annette Klimek, Joy Schosker
HR Liaisons:  Kathy Fischer, John Whelan
I.  Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 1:05 p.m. by Kathy Stopczynski. Kathy explained that Lisa Yates has taken another position on campus and that she has stepped down from serving on SAC.  According to the By-Laws, the Vice Chair, Kathy S., becomes the Chairperson and an election will be held next month for the Vice Chair position.
A picture of those representatives present was taken by Wes Evard for the SAC web page.
Kathy will confirm with Kevin Jones that he has replaced Troy Webb (Dist. 20). The following districts are in need of a representative:  1, 3, 23, 25, and 30.
II.  Approval of the May 12, 2005 Council Minutes
Kathy S. asked for any changes to the minutes. Barbara Klowetter’s name was spelled incorrectly. Bobbi McMahon made a motion to accept the minutes with the above correction and Jennifer Ihns seconded it.  Motion was passed.
III.  Committee Reports
Promotions Committee 
No information to report. Kathy S. asked if there were any representative who would like to help with this committee.  Barb Klowetter, Christy Miller, Sharon Konopka, and Michael Huffer all volunteered.
Parking Appeals Committee
Lisa Buckland will be the SAC representative starting in September.
Ad hoc Women’s Committee
Football 101 will be the topic of a Lunch and Learn in the near future.
Benefits Committee
No information to report
Web Page
Sharon Harwell has resigned from SAC.  Sherrie Daniel and Christy Miller will maintain the website. John Whelan said that SAC will cover the charge for a training class.
By-Laws Committee
Barbara Klowetter read the By-Laws to the group and asked if there were any clarification issues or suggestions for changes.  Several suggestions were made and have been noted in BOLD print in the attached By-Laws document.  Voting on acceptance of these revised By-Laws will be held at the August meeting.
IV.  Open Discussion
2005 Goals:
Invite Father Jenkins and John Affleck-Graves to speak at a SAC meeting.  John Whelan will approach them with that suggestion. 
Invite Alan Bigger for follow-up to “Old to Gold”. 
Create a brochure explaining purpose of SAC. 
V.  Adjournment
With no further topics to discuss a motion was made to adjourn.  The motion was seconded and passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Human Resources