January 2010

Staff Advisory Council Minutes

Thursday, January 14, 2010

1:00 – 3:00 p.m.

LaFortune Student Center


Present:          Tami Springer, Mo Marnocha, Roxie Litteral, Diana Singleton, Adele Almaguer, Kathy Troth, Sandy Sarber, Char-anna Koblick, Barb Wadley, Jody Klontz, Victoria Chidister, Sharon Konopka, Shari Herman, Marie Revak, Penny McIntire

Excused:         Fred Sonneborn, Patty Smith

Unexcused:     Joe Wheeler, Bill Peck, Peggy Lant

HR Liaison:   Lori Maurer


I.Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 1:05 p.m. by Mo Marnocha


Approval of December 2009 Council Minutes

Minutes were approved with one change - motion by Diana Singleton and 2nd by Marie Revak


II.Committee Updates


Elections Committee

The elections are completed.   District #14 and #16 had a “run off” and Patty Smith and Fred Sonneborn were elected.


A discussion was held on how to effectively deliver ballots to employees.  Would email be a possibility?  This discussion on evaluating the election process was tabled for a future meeting.


Benefits Committee

            Nothing to report


By-laws Committee

Nothing to report


Parking Appeals/Parking

Nothing to report


Fee Based Parking Committee

The first meeting is January 15


Promotions Committee

$111 was raised during the December Hacienda Night with proceeds going to Relay for Life.  Ideas on how to improve this fundraiser were discussed.


Operation Quiet Comfort was discussed.  The thought was to organize a jean’s drive to support this cause and possibly set up a table at Relay for Life in April.  Campus locations for the jeans drop off were considered.



The next meeting is on January 28.


Webpage Committee

Nothing to report.


Compassion Fund

One request was granted this past month to an employee whose utilities were shut off.


III.New Business

·         A draft of the SAC annual report was distributed for review and suggestions.  Char made a motion to approve the report with revisions.   Mo Marnocha seconded the motion.

·         An email went out from Risk Management reminding employees of the smoking policy.  This was a result of SAC asking for clarification.  Mo reviewed the response from Bob Zerr that Patty Smith received after raising concerns about how the policy was being enforced.

·         The possibility of an Inside ND “group” for Learning @ Work participants was discussed as a support for those employees

·         Officer elections were held.  The results were Patty Smith, Chair, Jody Klontz, Vice Chair and Shari Herman, Secretary

·         The following ideas for speakers were provided:

-Office of Sustainability

-John Sejdinaj

-HR Business Partners

-supervisor’s “best practice”

-Scott Malpass

-FMLA overview

-review of OIT classes


IV.Additional Business

Due to a change in her position, Mo Marnocha is resigning from SAC.  Mo will work on a replacement.


Shari Herman made a motion to adjourn at 3:00 p.m.  The motion was seconded by Sharon Konopka.


Respectfully submitted,  Human Resources