December 1997

Staff Advisory Council Minutes
Thursday, December 11, 1997
LaFortune Student Center - Notre Dame Room
1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Present: Rhonda Barkley, Debra Bennett, Larry Born, Rachel Boyd, Dan Brazo, Tammy Chapman, Victoria Cotton, Gina DeLaruelle, Debbie Fox, Toby Green, Rita Grontkowski, Mary Anne Hoebeke, Pam Jobin, Chuck Klein, JoAnn Longenecker, Don Newsom, Jennifer Schafer, Diane Schlatterbeck, Fred Sonneborn, Amy Tremel and Scott Uekert..

Absent: Sue Baum-Lentine, Jan Blazi, Phyllis Campbell, Carl Hubbard, Norma Mezykowski, Sue Penrod, Michael Purnell, Doris Smuda, and Deanna Zukowski.

HR Liaisons: Rich Nugent, Rita Winsor, and Pam Zarazee.


Dan Brazo, Chair called the meeting to order at 1:09 p.m.

I. Approval of Minutes from the October 9, 1997 meeting
Rita Grontkowski asked to add to the November minutes the information she shared on the first meeting of the Women's Council. Rita Grontkowski told the Council that the Women's Committee had elected officers. The officers for the Women's Committee are Rita Grontkowski, Chair, Diane Steele, Vice-Chair and Laura Manship, Secretary. Pam Jobin made a motion to accept the November 13, 1997 minutes with the above additions. Amy Tremel seconded this motion. A vote was taken and all members present were in favor of the motion.

Dan Brazo told the Council that the Executive Committee is currently working on the Staff Advisory Council Yearly Report. Dan stated that he will share the report with the Council at the January 8, 1998 meeting.

Rita Grontkowski explained to the Council that the Women's Committee held their second meeting to figure out terms of office for committee members. A concern was raised that four of the six Staff Advisory Council members who sit on the Women's Committee will be up for reelection in January. The concern is that if the four Council members are not reelected, should they be eligible to serve on the Women's Committee. The Council felt that if the Council member is not reelected, then they should be able to serve on the Women's Committee in an advisory role for a certain number of months to aid in the start-up of the committee. The Council discussed this issue and asked Rita to go back to the Women's Committee and put together a proposal on this issue and present it to the Council at the January 8, 1998 meeting.

II. Hire Date vs Calendar Date
Rita Winsor, Assistant Director for Human Resources, asked the Council to encourage members of their districts to turn in their Personal Enrollment ND Flex forms. Rita Winsor continued her discussion on the issues involved with looking at hire date versus calendar date for Retirement, Years of Service, Vacation and Tuition Benefits. Rita explained that the Retirement plan rules for service are governed by ERISA law. You earn years of service for retirement based on the number of hours you work per calendar year. If you work more than 1,000 hours in a calendar year, you earn a year of service. The Staff Pension Plan is on a fiscal year, however the benefit is calculated based on the number of hours and your W-2 earnings in that calendar year. If you leave the University you have some choices to make with regard to what to do with the contributions you have put into the plan. If you return to the University within the number of total years of service you had prior to leaving, and pay back your full amount of contributions, you will regain your pension plan years of service. Please refer to the Staff Pension Plan Summary Plan Description for specific break-in-service provisions.

Jennifer Schafer asked Rita if there is any way to find out how the contributions to the staff Pension Plan are being invested. Rita stated she would check into this and possibly see if Scott Malpass, Associate Vice President for Finance & Investment would want to come and explain this with the Council.

Rita explained that years of service for the Staff Recognition Dinner are based on your hire date. If you leave employment with the University and return within 12 months or less, one year of service is lost. However, if an interruption of employment lasts more than 12 months, all previous service is lost.

Rita shared with the Council that the Tuition Benefit is based on your date of hire. If you have been at the University for three consecutive years in a full-time, regular position you can take advantage of the Notre Dame or St. Mary's College benefits for your children. If you have been employed at the University 10 consecutive years in a full-time, regular position your child is eligible for the portable College benefit.

IV. Open Forum Discussion
The Council took part in an open forum discussion with no minutes taken.

V. Set Agenda for the January 8, 1998 meeting
I. Approval of the December 11, 1997 minutes
II. Proposal from the Women's Committee on terms of members
III. Elections Committee Update and Time line
IV. Sick-Leave Issue - Short-Term Disability and Long-Term Disability
V. Set the agenda for the February 19, 1998 meeting

Dan wished the Council a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Larry Born made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 3:05 p.m. Deb Fox seconded the motion. A vote was taken and all members present were in favor of this motion.

Respectfully Submitted,

Communications Committee