April 1999

Staff Advisory Council Minutes
Thursday, April 8, 1999
LaFortune Student Center - Notre Dame Room
1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Present: Deb Bennett, Jan Blazi, Rachel Boyd, Emily Cassidy, Tammy Chapman, Debra Clark, Victoria Cotton, Gina DeLaruelle, Janet Dillon, Deb Fox, Connie Gard, Rita Grontkowski, Linda Hansen, Beverly Harbor, Pam Jobin, Wanda Lansford, Frances Leedy, Mike Manijak, Terron Phillips, Fred Sonneborn, Leona Strickland, Dona Waters, Joshua White and Melodie Wise.

Absent: Dan Brazo, Norma Frost, Toby Green, Norma Mezykowski, Sue Penrod and Doris Smuda.

Rich Nugent, Human Resources HR Liaisons: Sarah Misener, Wendy Mott.

Deb Fox, Vice Chairperson, called the Council meeting to order at 1:10 p.m.

I. Review/Discuss the presentation given by Sarah Misener at the March 11th meeting regarding Update on Performance Reviews and the presentation given by Rita Winsor regarding the July 1, 1999 Increases Deb Fox asked if anyone had any questions/concerns regarding Sarah's presentation made at the last meeting. Josh White asked if there were 'packets' that were sent out to supervisors because he is receiving questions since people in his district have not received performance reviews at this time. Sarah Misener responded that 'packets' were not distributed, but she described the communication methods used to share information with supervisors regarding the performance review process. They included: a mailing that went to approximately 700 supervisors regarding the process changes; information on where to access the forms; availability of training sessions for performance reviews; there was a corresponding article in the recent edition of StaffNews; a posting of this same information was on the Human Resources web site; information on the process on how to do performance reviews, including a due date to Human Resources of April 23, was included in the budget guidelines provided to all budget administrators. Sarah offered that if individuals had not received reviews they should discuss this with their supervisor, and if questions ensued, SAC members or their supervisors, are encouraged to contact their budget administrator and/or Human Resources. Individuals could also get a copy of the Performance Review forms and do a self review to take to their supervisors.

II. Approval of the March 11, 1999 Minutes

The Council had several changes made to the minutes, as well as, asked that the minutes be worded in more detail. Wendy will make the appropriate changes and the Council will look to approve the March minutes at the May 20th meeting.

III. Discussion of Amended Priorities Issues

In Dan Brazo's absence Jan Blazi handed out a letter to the Council regarding some recommendations to the priorities list because Human Resources is working on some of the issues and should be put into a category accordingly. Leona Strickland expressed that retirement didn't seem to be on the list where it should be. The question was raised do we know what the staff want for retirement and that should be determined.

After the Council had a discussion on the issue Emily Cassidy moved to make retirement the next priority on the list after sick and vacation. Gina DeLaruelle seconded the motion. Deb Fox asked for a show of hands and all were in favor.

IV. Ad-Hoc Committee Reports

The Women's Committee reported Bobbie McMahon is the new secretary, Diane Steele is the new vice-chair and Melodie Wise is the new chair. There will be four sessions of a Lunch and Learn on "A Guide to Effective Listening" held on May 20 and May 21. More information will follow. They will have their next meeting in late May.

The By-Law Committee reported and Jan Blazi explained the differences between the old by-laws and the new by-laws were basically additions/changes in terminology. If the Council had any other recommendations to bring them up and they will be discussed. The Staff Picnic Committee reported and Josh White said their idea of having a golf game at the Staff "Thank You" Picnic can be equipped by the National Youth Sports Program. The committee has an idea of an informational flyer to mail out to staff regarding the Council prior to the picnic. In Dan Brazo's absence Jan Blazi had previously passed a letter around to the Council from Dan regarding some recommendations to the flyer. All on the Council were in agreement of the changes. The committee will finalize the flyer and get a copy to the executive committee of the Council for approval prior to the mailing to staff. Victoria Cotton ask that Human Resources check with building services supervisors so that the flyer can be sure to get to all of the building services staff, as well as, in a timely matter. The Picnic Committee would like to have a contest for a logo for the Staff Advisory Council. Frances Leedy will look into getting a prize donated from the bookstore to give to the winner of the logo that is chosen. Food Service will help out in setting up a booth for the Council at the picnic inside Stepen Center. Janet Dillon has volunteered to make a banner for the Council to put at their booth. Emily Cassidy has volunteered to display pictures of all the past Council members. Deb Fox has volunteered to create a suggestion box to have at the booth. Wendy Mott will check with Food Services to see if the Council could be in charge of the brownies in order to draw staff to their booth. (Food Services has agreed to allow the Council to do so.) The Council decided to have the executive committee at the booth from 12-12:15 and all other members will stop by as their time allows for it. Josh White will check with Alumni Association to see if the Council could borrow name tag badges. Ideas for the picnic will be finalized at the May meeting.

The Parking Committee reported by Deb Bennett that they met on April 6. The main concern is the central or internal parking on campus, especially for the Main Building. Criteria as to who should be able to park there is being worked on. The A-9 parking lot expanded from 111 spaces to 140 spaces. The A-17 parking lot expanded to 145 spaces. Deb asked that the Council let her or Phil Johnson know of any suggestions for the handicap/special needs spots. Deb also reported that the old bookstore parking will be going away and Campus Ministry and First Year Studies will be located there. Deb offered that if there were any issues out there that they let her know and they could be put on the agenda to come to a meeting to explain their situation. Deb Clark and Victoria Cotton both expressed issues they have especially on football Saturdays. Deb Fox asked that they draft up the situation on paper and give it to Deb Bennett to e-mail to Phil Johnson. They all agreed to do that.

V. Set Agenda for the May 20, 1999 Meeting

I Sick Leave Policy

II Approval of the March 11th and April 8th, 1999 Minutes

III Ad-Hoc Committee Reports

IV Discussion of Amended Priorities Issues

V Set the Agenda for the Thursday, June 10, 1999 Meeting

After the agenda was set there was discussion that on every agenda there should be a spot for answers to any outstanding issues that are pending. The Council agreed and this will be further discussed in Dan Brazo's presence.

Gina DeLaruelle made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Josh White seconded this motion. A vote was taken, and all present Council members were in favor of the motion.

Respectfully Submitted,

Communications Committee