July 1999

Staff Advisory Council Minutes 

Thursday, July 8, 1999

LaFortune Student Center - Notre Dame Room
1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Present: Debbie Bennett, Jan Blazi, Rachel Boyd, Dan Brazo, Emily Cassidy, Debra Clark, Janet Dillon, Debbie Fox, Norma Frost, Connie Gard, Toby Green, Rita Grontkowski, Beverly Harbor, Pam Jobin, Rose McMahon, Mike Manijak, Norma Mezykowski, Sue Penrod, Phyllis Shelton-Ball, Fred Sonneborn, Leona Strickland, Dona Waters, and Melodie Wise.
Absent: Tammy Chapman, Victoria Cotton, Gina DeLaruelle, Linda Hansen, Wanda Lansford, Terron Phillips, and Doris Smuda. 
HR Liaisons: Rich Nugent and Pam Zarazee
Dan Brazo, Chair called the Council meeting to order at 1:07 p.m. Dan welcomed two new Council members Phyllis Shelton-Ball from District #3 (the College of Arts & Letters) and Rose McMahon from District #25 (Hammes Bookstore). Dan thanked each of them for attending the meeting and participating on the Council. Dan also thanked the Elections Committee for their hard working during the election.
I. Security Presentation 
Jeff Korros and Rick Kazmierczak from the Security Department explained to the Council that the University is participating in a program sponsored by the State of Indiana called "Operation Pull Over. " This program is to educate the members of the University community on the dangers of driving while intoxicated, but also safety related concerns at work when a person is under the influence of alcohol. The program allows an individual to actually experience what it feels like to be under the influence of alcohol by utilizing "fatal vision" goggles. A video was shown as well as the Council members experiencing the fatal vision goggles. Jeff explained to the Council that Security will be available to give presentations to departments who are interested in this program. Rich Nugent encouraged Council members to talk to their supervisors if their is an interest in having your department or group benefit from this program. In addition, Rich asked Jeff and Rick to present this program at a future meeting of the Human Resource Planning Group. Jeff stated that any interested employees can contact Rick in Security at 631-5555 for further information.
Dan Brazo, thanked Jeff and Rick for sharing this information with the Council.
II. Approval of the Minutes from the Thursday, June 10, 1999 meeting 
Deb Bennett clarified that she had sent Pam Zarazee some changes on the Elections Committee update section of the minutes. Pam informed the Council that the minutes were updated. Dan Brazo suggested a minor change to eliminate a paragraph in the minutes that seemed redundant. The Council had a brief discussion regarding the minutes and what should be included in them. Phyllis Shelton-Ball made a motion to accept the June Council minutes with the above stated changes. Emily Cassidy seconded the motion. A vote was taken and 22 Council members were in favor of this motion and 1 Council member chose to abstain.
III. Committee Reports 
Approval of the By-Laws: Melodie Wise made a motion to accept the second reading of the by-laws. Connie Gard seconded this motion. A vote was taken and 20 Council members were in favor of this motion and 2 Council members chose to abstain.
Communications Committee: Emily Cassidy informed the Council that there is nothing to report at this time.
Parking Committee: Deb Bennett informed the Council that there is nothing to report at this time.
Elections Committee: The two district vacancies were filled based on the introductions at the beginning of the meeting.
Women's Committee: Melodie Wise shared with the Council that the Women's Committee will be hosting a fair during Fall Break. Rita Grontkowski stated that the fair plans to have booths set-up from different areas of campus including; the bookstore, food services, security, Early Childhood Development Center, the Michiana Employee Assistance Program, and others that will be announced at a later date. The fair will also hold a few sessions that feature different speakers during the week on topics of nutrition and religion.
Melodie Wise added that the Women's Committee is also working on developing a book club and preparing for the next Lunch & Learn Program.
Rich Nugent explained to the Council that he researched the question a Council member had a few months ago regarding the disposal of property by students at the end of the academic year. Rich stated that he talked with Alan Bigger, Director, Building Services. Alan Bigger told Rich
charitable organizations are invited to take usable property. The St. Vincent DePaul Society puts out their own containers for donations of property by students. Rich shared with the Council that if they know any charitable organization that may benefit from the property, they can email that information to Alan at Bigger.1@nd.edu prior to April 1st of each year. Alan Bigger will then contact a representative from that charitable organization.
Rich Nugent shared with the Council that the Staff Advisory Council logo was approved by General Counsel with regard to licensing for use on memos and the web page. Any other uses will be subject to further review.
IV. Update on Proposal on University Holiday Hours and Other Issues 
Rich Nugent shared some overhead slides with the Council regarding the assumptions that were made in figuring the cost associated with the proposal to include holiday hours in the calculation of overtime. Rich Nugent stated that the figures in the overheads include paid hours for sick time, vacation, holiday, snow days, etc. for the purpose of determining overtime. Rich added that all of these categories are normally counted in the calculation of overtime for organizations that use this type of system.
Based on all the data and the assumptions the total incremental cost to the University would be $308,000. Rich stated that these would be extra dollars at a time when extra funds are being allocated for the compensation project. The Council asked Rich to have Paul Henry, Compensation Manager refigure the cost utilizing only holiday hours. Rich stated that he would have the numbers refigured for the August Council meeting. 
Rich also shared an overhead regarding our Funeral Leave benefits compared to other organizations. Paul Henry completed a customized local survey in which 28 companies participated to obtain the following results. It was found that the University's Funeral Leave was very competitive with other organizations in receiving time off for the death of a child, spouse, parent, grandparent, grandchild, sibling, and brother/sister-in-law. Rich explained that travel time is not part of the Funeral Leave. Rich stated that the University provides personal and vacation days to help cover travel time should it be necessary in the death of a relative. A Council member shared that she felt the University's Funeral Leave is very good compared to other organizations. Rich added that based on the results of this survey it is very unlikely that this benefit will be enhanced.
Rich showed another Overhead to the Council that explained the increase in Exempt and Non-Exempt staff since the start of the classification project. The University has increased by 179 total employees since 12/31/95. 
The last overhead that Rich shared with the Council included the 1998 New Hires, Transfers, and Promotions. There were 232 non-exempt new hires and 132 non-exempt promotions/transfers in 1998 which included 6 reclassifications. Rich added that the training programs that the Council stated needed to be done on the Promotion/Transfer process will be forthcoming from the Department of Human Resources.
V. Promotion of the Staff Advisory Council 
Dan told the Council that the Executive Council met with Rich Nugent and Sarah Misener from Human Resources regarding the continued role of the Council. Dan stated that the conversation ended with being positive about the existence of and contributions from the Council. Dan stated that the Executive Council feels it is necessary to take a look at how we are viewed by the University as a whole. Dan feels this process is going to be lengthy and a very difficult task to deal with. Dan suggested the idea of developing an ad-hoc committee that will look at the issues involved with the Council and suggest a detailed program to have the Council continue. Dan asked the Council to give it some thought and talk with their districts about how the Council is viewed and how it can improve. Dan asked Council members to come prepared to discuss this issue at the August meeting.
Dan also asked the Council members to consider volunteering to participate on an ad-hoc committee regarding this issue. The Council had enough interest that an ad-hoc committee was formed and includes Emily Cassidy, Melodie Wise, Phyllis Shelton-Ball, and Leona Strickland. If another Council member is interested in serving on this ad-hoc committee and was unable to attend the July meeting, please contact one of the above ad-hoc committee members for a meeting time. This ad-hoc committee will also suggest a name at the August meeting.
VI. Set the Agenda for the Thursday, August 12, 1999 Meeting 
I. Approve the Minutes from the Thursday, July 8, 1999 meeting
II. Committee Reports
III. Rich Nugent to present University Holiday Hour Data
IV. Discuss Promotion of SAC
Jan Blazi informed the Council that she sent a thank you letter to all individuals who participated in the Staff Advisory Council logo contest. Jan Blazi read a positive letter to the Council that was received by Rita Egendoerfer, a non-exempt staff member in the College of Science who won the logo contest. 
Dan Brazo stated that the Executive Council will meet to respond to the letters put in the suggestion box at the Staff Picnic. This response will go in the September issue of the StaffNews.
Debbie Fox made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 2:58 p.m. Dona Waters seconded the motion. A vote was taken and all present Council members were in favor.
Respectfully Submitted,
Communications Committee