October 2004

Staff Advisory Council Minutes 

Thursday, October 14, 2004

1:00-3:00 p.m., Notre Dame Room, LaFortune
Present: Don Anglin, Julann Bauer, Dawn Bell, Bettye Bielejewski, Karen Casey, Becky DeBruyn, Maryellen Fetherolf, Jim Gloster, Jennifer Ihns, Annette Klimek, Barb Klowetter, Susan McGonigal, Bobbi McMahon, Jane Nielson, Joy Schosker, Irene Stines, Troy Webb, Lisa Yates 
Excused: Lisa Buckland, Sharon Konopka, Stephanie Maenhout, Janice Owens, Kathy Stopczynski 
Non Excused: Sharon Harwell, Holly Webb, Tony Williams 
HR Liaisons: John Whelan, Kathy Fischer 
•  Call to Order 
The meeting was called to order at 1:05 p.m. by Susan McGonigal. 
•  Approval of the September 9, 2004 Council Minutes 
Bobbi McMahon made a motion to accept the minutes as written and Irene Stines seconded. The minutes were approved. 
•  Guest speaker 
Jeffrey Miller, Manager of Academic Media Resources, shared with the group that his department offers expertise in audio and video production, photography, videoconferencing and media duplication. A flyer was passed out to those present. 
•  Committee Reports 
Promotions Committee 
No report, but Susan McGonigal will speak with John Whelan about creating the new SAC brochure. 
Parking Appeals Committee 
No report. 
Ad hoc Committee on Women's Issues 
The October 13 Lunch 'n Learn with Chef Miller was excellent and well attended. On November 9 there will be a presentation by the garden center, Heaven & Earth, sharing holiday decorating ideas. 
Benefits Committee 
Susan distributed a list of changes in benefits for 2005 that was discussed at a special SAC meeting earlier in October. If a district has numerous questions it was suggested that Denise Murphy be contacted to have her talk with the group. 
Web Page 
The web page has the new SAC logo. 
•  Open Discussion 
Football Game Day Parking: Barb Klowetter asked for clarification of where employees may park on game day. Susan will check into this. 
Leave system: Several questions were raised about FMLA, the amount of bereavement leave, no maternity leave. John Whelan explained there will be future discussion regarding the entire leave issue. 
Benefits Committee: Concern was expressed by Troy Webb that the Benefits Committee may not be aware of staff issues and asked if there could be open forums of these meetings or perhaps see at outline of the meetings. John Whelan explained that a smaller committee can hold a more fruitful discussion than opening it up to the public and that Susan McGonigal as the SAC representative is able to convey to the committee thoughts and ideas from the constituents. Give Susan a list of issues that are of a concern to you and she will share them with the committee. 
Karen Casey shared her concern about the push by Human Resources to use the mail-in prescription benefit and would like the Benefits committee to address this concern. 
It was suggested that Denise Murphy attend each SAC meeting for about 15 minutes to update everyone on what the Benefits committee is working on. John Whelan will propose this to Denise. 
Employment: There were several questions about the hiring process for posted jobs. The group asked if Sarah Misener could attend the November meeting to briefly explain this process. John will invite Sarah. 
•  Adjournment 
A motion to adjourn at 2:50 was made by Don Anglin and seconded by Karen Casey. Motion was passed. 
Respectfully submitted, 
Human Resources