March 2005

Staff Advisory Council Minutes 

Thursday, March 10, 2005

1:00-3:00 p.m.
Notre Dame Room, LaFortune
Present:   Don Anglin, Lisa Buckland, Karen Casey, Joan Costa, Sherrie Daniel, Becky deBruyn, Tegan Gaul, Paul Hendershott, Michael Huffer, Barbara Klowetter, Sharon Konopka, Bobbi McMahon, Shannen Mears, Christy Miller, Joy Schosker, Diana Singleton, Kathy Stopczynski, Troy Webb, Holly Webb, Lisa Yates
Excused:  Sharon Harwell, Jennifer Ihns, Annette Klimek, Susan McGonigal, Jane Nielson
Unexcused:  Bettye Bielejewski, Tony Williams
HR Liaisons:  Kathy Fischer, Sharon Hawkins 
I.  Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 1:00 p.m. by Lisa Yates.  Lisa went over a few housekeeping items: If you have something to say in the meeting, please raise your hand to be recognized by the Chair; and do not carry on side conversations while the meeting is being conducted.  
II. Approval of the February 10, 2005 Council Minutes
Lisa asked for approval of the February 10 meeting.  The question was raised last month as to what to do if you can’t make a meeting.  To be recognized as excused, call either Lisa Yates (1-4260), Kathy Stopczynski (1-5615), or Sharon Konopka (1-5253).  
Kathy Stopczynski pointed out that all committee positions are for a one year period (except for the 2-year Benefits committee position), not a two year period as recorded in the February minutes.
Barb Klowetter made a motion to accept the minutes with the above corrections.  Don Anglin seconded the motion.  Motion was passed.
III. Committee Reports
Lisa noted that some of the committees could accept additional representatives if anyone was interested in serving.  The following representatives have been added to those committees:
Promotions Committee:  Christy Miller
Ad hoc Women’s Committee:  Tegan Gaul
Web Page:  Sherrie Daniel is back up to Sharon Harwell
Parking Committee:  Karen Casey
By Laws:  Barb Klowetter, Bobbie McMahon, Kathy Stopczynski 
Promotions Committee 
        No information to report
Parking Appeals Committee
        No information to report
Ad hoc Women’s Issues Committee
There will be a Lunch and Learn on March 30 at the Pressbox with Missy Conboy as speaker.  In April Mary Pat Farnand will speak on spirituality.  The topic for May’s Lunch and Learn will be gardening.  Suggestions for future topics were: tours of the new athletics and science buildings, as well as the new Performing Arts Center; cancer topics; Father Malloy’s assistant—what did the position entail, how many years, etc.
Benefits Committee
        No information to report
Web Page
Update new members list and have a picture taken of the 2005 SAC members.  It was suggested that recent minutes be posted.
IV. Open Discussion
Suggestions were made for possible speakers at future SAC meetings:  Father Jenkins (perhaps in conjunction with John Affleck-Graves), Nathan Hatch prior to his leaving the Provost’s office, the new football coach.
Lisa reported there are still no representatives for Dist. 5 and 29.  She distributed a letter that she would like to send to the constituents in those two districts asking for representation.  (Note: Shortly after this meeting and before the letter was sent out, both positions were filled.  Penny McIntire is the rep for Dist. 5 and Michelle Wydrzynski is the rep for Dist. 29.)
An inquiry was made regarding the campus shuttle that runs between the Library parking lot and the Main building.  Could there be two shuttles so that every 5 minutes one would be available. Could the route be expanded and hours be adjusted to accommodate more areas on campus? 
Several questions were raised regarding sick time.  The suggestion was made again to the transfer sick time from employees who don’t need it to others who do.  Another question was whether there could be any compensation for those who leave the university and who had sick time left?
Gail Mancini, Editor of ND Works, has asked SAC for topics the reps would like to have her include in future ND Works.  It was suggested she come to a SAC meeting to discuss this.   
Is there going to be a staff picnic this year?  Sharon Hawkins noted that it is still in discussion and no decision has been made to date.
Don Anglin (Dist. 1) announced that this is his last SAC meeting in that he has accepted an Exempt position.  He will see if he can find a replacement.
V. Adjournment
The next meeting will be April 14, 1:00 to 3:00 in the Notre Dame Room, LaFortune.
With no further topics to discuss a motion was made to adjourn.  The motion was seconded and passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Human Resources