April 9, 2015

Staff Advisory Council Minutes

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Notre Dame Room, LaFortune Student Center


Nancy Cole, Tricia Dalenberg, Julie DeSchane, Shebra Guidry, Lori Haselrick, Alissa hochstelar, Amanda Huerta, Robyn Karkiewicz, Char-Anna Kobick, Julie Logue, Bobbi McMahon, Kim Miller, Michael Muller, Joe Reimers, Tami Springer.


Jan Solkey, Susan Monroe, Kristi Lax Walker


Valerie Schroeder, Dan Juckett, Evelyn Mitchell

H.R. Liaison: Sharon Hawkins

I. Call to order

Chair Tami Springer called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m.

Approval of Minutes

A motion to approve the meeting minutes dated March 12, 2015 was made by Joe Reimers and seconded by Lori Haselrick.

II. Committee Reviews Benefits

Robyn Karkiewicz noted that a meeting would be held on the 23rd.

Parking Appeals

Tricia Dalenberg stated the committee did not have an opportunity to meet since the last meeting.

Interim Parking

Joe Reimers stated the committee had not met. Discussion followed about paid parking and the recently received email about the opportunity to request a reserved space for an annual fee of $480. Sharon Hawkins commented it would be good to invite Matthew Blazejewski (Mr. Affleck-Graves’ assistant) to speak and add clarification to the topic.

Concerns about available parking included; hours only between 7:00am-6:00pm, LEV (low emissions vehicle) and handicap.

SAC Promotions

Bobbi McMahon reported the Tulip Fundraiser will not be possible to implement. University policy prohibits the use of UND purchased items to be used as a fundraiser for a department included in the University’s budget. Also, the landscape personnel is not equipped to process the bulbs in a way that would insure blooming in the spring. Jan Solkey and Bobbi will meet again to investigate other options.

Tami suggested we find ways to promote SAC so more people on campus will become aware of what we offer. Ideas included having brochures distributed at the annual staff picnic and a table during tailgating football weekends. Sharon noted that H.R. needs to approve the distribution of materials at the staff picnic but does not anticipate any obstacle with the request.

SAC Website

Amanda Huerta stated the website is up to date.


No new information to report, the committee will be meeting later in the spring.

Compassion Fund

Shebra Guidry stated there were four requests in February. Most recent cases involved the following: help with rent during a sick leave, utilities, funeral expenses and fire. Susan added
Yhat all requests must first go through the community 2-1-1 program. If approved, payment is made through the Family and Children’s Center and paid directly to the requesting party. Currently the maximum benefit is $600.00. Discussion followed about increasing the amount.

III. Guest Speakers

Four outside speakers joined the meeting. Wellness Center presenters included Vince Workman, Pharmacist/Manager; Maureen Jamieson, RN; and Cindy Borders, Wellness Coach. Denise Murphy represented Human Resources.

Their presentations included information about the Healthcare Strategy Working Group and services offered to UND employees at the Wellness Center. Questions and concerns related to health care should be sent to healthcareworkinggroup@nd.edu by April 30, 2015.

  1. Additional Business 
Sign-up form for SAC shirts was available. All were encouraged to state their desired size. 

  2. New Business 
Discussion included pension plans and ND Voice 2014 results regarding respect and fairness. 

  3. Adjournment 
Robyn Karkiewicz moved to adjourn and Bobbi McMahon seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned 
at 2:49 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Julianne S. Logue.