
The Staff Advisory Council (SAC) at Notre Dame is a cornerstone of communication and collaboration between the university's administration and its vibrant community of nonexempt employees. Founded in 1996, SAC has stood as a testament to the university's commitment to inclusivity, dialogue, and mutual respect.

Our Mission

Our mission is to act as a bridge, ensuring fluid communication between the staff and the administration of Notre Dame. As elected representatives serving two-year terms, we are committed to reflecting the diverse voices and perspectives from every corner of our campus and every operational area. Though we do not formulate policies, our role as advisors is crucial in shaping a university that listens, adapts, and evolves based on the needs and ideas of its staff.

Our Activities

SAC plays a pivotal role in the Notre Dame community by:

  • Sharing vital information about the university with staff members, thus keeping our community informed and engaged.
  • Gathering ideas, feedback, and insights from staff across all levels to advise the university administration on key issues affecting our community.
  • Participating in focus groups and committees on critical topics such as benefits, parking, and more, ensuring that staff perspectives are heard and considered.

Our Impact

Over the years, SAC's contributions have been instrumental in facilitating significant improvements and changes that benefit the Notre Dame staff community. Notable achievements include influencing the availability of football tickets for all staff, advocating for tuition reimbursement for employees, contributing to health benefits changes, and shaping parking policies. These accomplishments are a testament to the power of collective effort and dialogue in creating a more equitable and supportive work environment.

At SAC, we are dedicated to continuing our mission of fostering open communication, representing the diverse needs of our staff, and contributing to the ongoing dialogue that shapes the future of Notre Dame. Join us in our journey towards creating a more inclusive, informed, and engaged university community.